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Welcome to Cansic Academy

Greetings and welcome to music lessons! In this outline you will find information about the procedures and policies of the studio and related topics. Please take a few moments to carefully review the contents of this packet.



If, for some reason, a lesson must be missed, please notify the teacher at least 48 hours in advance in order to be eligible for a make-up lesson. Sickness is exempt from this 48-hour rule.

The studio shall not assume any financial responsibility for a student's absence(s). Monthly rates are flat fees, and shall not be lowered nor refunded for missed lessons. Make-up lessons are to be coordinated between the teacher and student.
Requirements for lesson make-up eligibility:
1. Sickness

  1. Family trips notified at least 1 week in advance

  2. Extra-curricular events such as a school concert



Cansic Academy offers a $60.00 credit for each referred student that signs up with the Academy. There is no limit to the amount of credit obtainable per student.


Pandemic Safety Guideline

Please wash or sanitize your hands before and after touching the Guitar if you are doing in- person lessons. Wearing a mask that covers both the nose and chin is mandatory indoors as per Ontario governmental guidelines. Do not come to lessons if you have any symptoms of Covid- 19, has been in contact with anyone who has Covid-19, or has been out of the country within the past 14 days.



The teacher must be notified as soon as possible should the student become sick in order to be eligible for a make-up lesson. Should the student experience nausea, fever, or diarrhea, they must be symptom free for 48 hours to attend lessons. If the teacher arrives at the student’s house and the students have any of these symptoms, the teacher reserves the right to leave not provide the lesson. In such cases, make-ups will not be offered.



If a student and/or parent should decide to terminate lessons at any given time during the year, the studio requires a TWO WEEK WRITTEN NOTICE. Regardless of when appropriate notice is given, such student/parent shall be financially responsible for the following two weeks/lessons, whether the student/parent chooses to attend or be absent.​



All fees for lessons are due in no later than the 5th of each month. Invoices are submitted during the last week of each month for that particular month. Please do not pay in advance.
PLEASE BE SURE TO REMIT BY THE 5TH. Late payments upset the teacher’s personal bill-paying process as well as their personal income. It is necessary to ensure that these payments are received on time. If the payment isn’t received by the 5th, lessons will be paused until the payment is received.


If a student will be taking the entire summer off, such student's time slot may be reserved by paying for the time slot in full and in advance. I do not recommend this, however, since the student will lose so much progress during the hiatus. Nevertheless, the time slot will need to be filled unless the full fee is paid to reserve the time slot until the fall.



During the year, several performance opportunities are made available to students. These events provide pupils with further incentive to practice and excel, and can have a positive effect on a student's sense of accomplishment. Recitals build confidence and reinforce the concept that good practice habits result in good pianists.
Students who take part in these programs commit to the event at least two months in advance, thereby giving ample time to prepare their respective piece(s). All music--except duets--is to be memorized. Deadlines for preparation are imposed and strictly adhered to in order to ensure that all participating students are secure with their piece(s).
Students scheduled to perform for recitals are required to attend and perform. Except in cases of family emergency or illness, students may not "drop out" from the program. Such behavior then affects the entire recital, and is not fair to the other performers.
Performers must be at the facility no later than 20 minutes before the beginning of the recital. Participating students and their families are expected to remain for the duration of the entire recital, thereby providing ample audience and respect for all performers.



​The studio reserves the right to terminate a student's lessons for the following infractions:
1. Inappropriate behavior toward the teacher on the part of the student. This includes violent outlashings, swearing, defamation of character, unacceptable advances or any other displays which fall outside the realm of common respect and decency.
2. Inappropriate behavior toward the teacher on the part of a student's parent(s). This includes all of the above.
3. Failure to pay monthly lessons in full.

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